Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Week 08: Intellectual Property Presentation

There were two groups to present Intellectual Property Presentations this week. The presentations were extremely helpful for me as I am not familiar with IP and why it is important.

Interactive Architecture 

Clear Presentation using Prezi. Nice use of images to clearly explain the issues and processes involved with IP. There was a lot of information as well, a lot of background knowledge of IP in the industry. I have added some points i learnt from the presentation which i did not know before. There was also great use of referencing


The presentation was clearly stating IP within their project. The written presentation was clear but the design was not completly engaging as it was used in PowerPoint.


- It is a legal concept which refers to the creations of the mind for which exclusive rights are recognised. 
- The law gives the creator the exclusive rights
- IP can be bought, sold or licensed
-It distinguishes products or services from competitors.
- Prevents others from copying
- Most businesses have some form of IP that they need to protect

Types of IP


-If you have developed a device, method or process which is new and useful, a patent can protect it.
-Does not include creations, models, plans, schemes
-It is legally enforceable and has exclusive rights
- 2 types of patents 
Standard (20 years)
Innovation (8 years)  
-72 month process

Trade marks

exp. Cadbury Chocolate - Purple
- protect name,logo. packaging, shape, colour, sound
- registered/un-registered
- 15 month process

Registered Designs 

exp. apple smart cover

-protect the appearance of a design
-Term 10 years
-needs to be need and distinctive
exp. Architectural drawings/ deisgn
-artistic, music, dramatic and literary works
-term life of author plus 70 years

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